(Beautiful North Shore of Jamica)

(Placid waters, clear sky, and warm breezes make for good training)

(This is the view from Chris' Home!)

(During our private/semi-private classes, this was our view!)

(In May, I worked some top dominance details for Chris and Terry T-Bone)

(Chris and I training during a private class)

(Kimura attack)

(Terry observes the training)

(Semi-private class drew in observers)

(Watch out for up-kicks!)

(Dan Wiggins, Tim Sledd, Chris McDonald, and Cleon)

(Tim Sledd, Chris McDonald, Dan Wiggins... shortly before Scotchy's)

(Sifu Dwayne Gail, Chris, Tim, and Dan after a full seminar)

(Chris clowning but showing he was ready to be the champ!)

(Chris and Tim)
( Chris and Dan. Chris was a gracious host for Dan on each trip and even put me up for the September visit!)

(Chris is growing more and more comfortable with the ground game!)
2008 was a great year for building the relationships of Small Axe Jiu Jitsu in America with the team growing in Jamaica. There is only more and better things to come from this! Keep your eyes open